Leadership lessons from geese

© Dave Young
David Robshaw of business and financial specialists DJR Associates, highlights some leadership and management strategies for 2019
Learning from Geese
OK, so the Xmas goose is getting fat, but it’s also a wise old bird and can teach us a thing or two…
When we work together we can all achieve so much more.
Goose Fact No. 1
…They fly in a V formation so the updraft from the flapping motion assists the goose behind. Together they can fly 71% further
than they can alone.
When we share leadership and tasks we keep fresh and avoid burn-out.
Goose Fact No. 2
…It’s hard work at the front, and the lead goose changes regularly so they don’t get exhausted.
We need to encourage and support each other to keep driving forward.
Goose Fact No. 3
…Their familiar honking noise is the sound of the geese at the back shouting encouragement to the pace-setters.
Non-Goose Fact
…When Christmas is over and the goose is eaten, next year will be no different from this one: 2019 promises more of the same.
I guarantee that, if you don’t take positive action and commit to making 2019 different, you’ll be in exactly the same position this time next year.
That starts with…
…getting crystal clear about the exact steps you need to take that will significantly impact your success, and overcoming the stuck-ness that’s keeping you locked firmly where you are. Call DJR for a free initial meeting on 01275 394 606 or email David Robshaw at djr@djrassociates.co.uk.